Board of Adjustment is Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 2 PM / Landmarks Meeting is Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 2 PM. Comments due by Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 8 AM.

Board of Adjustment is Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 2 PM / Landmarks Meeting is Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 2 PM. Comments due by Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 8 AM.

Check Out Our FAQs!

  • A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required for any exterior work visible from a public street or right-of-way in a local landmark historic district, such as Vollintine Evergreen Historic District (VEHD). The purpose of a COA is to preserve and protect the historic character of the property, surrounding area, or district.

  • ▪ New construction of primary or secondary buildings

    ▪ Exterior alterations to existing structures

    ▪ Additions or enclosures that expand habitable space

    ▪ Building demolition

    ▪ Building relocation

    ▪ Fences, walls and retaining walls

    ▪ New or altered driveways and parking pads

  • A “Retroactive COA Application” refers to changes or work undertaken without permission, regardless of whether the work is completed or still in progress.

  • • Memphis Landmarks Commission
    Phone: (901) 636-6619

    • VECA Historic Committee


Don't forget that your comments are due by 8 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Please send them over to LaTonya Hull, the staff planner (

USE DISTRICT: Residential Single-Family- 6 (R-6H), Vollintine Evergreen Historic District

REQUEST: Variances from Paragraph 2.7.2D(3) to allow an attached ADU, SubSection 3.6.1A to allow a side (interior) setback encroachment for the principal structure, and Item 2.7.2D(1)(b) to allow an ADU greater than 1/3 of the gross floor area of the principal dwelling structure.

Application - BOA 2024-065: NORTH

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 2 PM

125 N. Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103

Meeting: In-Person

The meeting will be open to the public, and the community is encouraged to attend. All testimonies shall be made in person during the meeting.

You can easily access the Staff Report by clicking on this link.


VECA neighbors and friends, please provide any comments that you may have by Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 8 AM. Please send your comments for or against a COA to the staff planner listed for each application.

Contact each Landmarks Commission Member directly at the email address in the link here.

MLC Staff have included a list of recommended conditions for the minor application.

These Minor COAs will be approved on Wednesday, August 26th, at 12:00 PM unless four or more commissioners request to be heard as majors.

  • Application: COA 2024-108      1024 Maury Street – Vollintine-Evergreen Historic District

    Request: Site Improvements: new, 6 ft. fence

    Property Owner: Kevin Bahadosingh

    Representative: Phillips Property Solutions, LLC (Derrek Phillips)

    Staff Planner: Margot Payne


    Staff Recommendations:

    1. All fences and the driveway gate shall be maximum 6 feet in height.

    2. The driveway gate shall be of appropriate materials such as pressure treated wood, wrought iron, or tubular metal with painted matte finish and shall be placed towards the the rear left corner of the home per the approved site plan.

    3. The side yard fence where it ties into the existing structure shall be setback minimum of 11 feet from the front wall of the structure (not including the front porch).

    4. All side yard fences shall be of appropriate materials such as wood and shall be installed with beauty side facing out.

    5. Any change or deviation from the approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) shall be submitted to the Memphis Landmarks Commission for review and approval.

  • Application: COA 2024-111      1790 Crump Avenue – Vollintine-Evergreen Historic District

    Request: New Construction: new screened porch at the rear of the existing structure

    Property Owner: Jessica Taylor

    Representative: Adam Massey (RKA Construction)

    Staff Planner: Ayse Penzes (née Tezel)


    Staff Recommendations:

    1. Applicant shall provide a detailed site plan with dimensions and setbacks noted, prior to issuance of the COA.

    2. The attached screened porch shall be minimum 5 feet away from all other existing structures on the same lot.

    3. Any change or deviation from the approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) shall be submitted to the Memphis Landmarks Commission for review and approval.

  • Application: COA 2024-115      647 Maury Street – Vollintine-Evergreen Historic District

    Request: Exterior Alterations: window replacement and roof modifications to convert the existing attic space to a new bedroom

    Property Owner: Axel Investments LLC

    Representative: Irving Ravelo (Zaravelo Real Estate Investment & Development)

    Staff Planner: Ayse Penzes (née Tezel)


    Staff Recommendations:

    1. ​Replacement windows shall be of high quality materials with three-dimensional, exterior muntins to match the original grid pattern.

    2. The roof modifications shall retain the original details of the roof such as overhang dimension, materials, and fascia details.

    3. Any change or deviation from the approved Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) shall be submitted to the Memphis Landmarks Commission for review and approval.

Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 2 PM

125 N. Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103

Meeting: In-Person

The meeting will be open to the public, and the community is encouraged to attend. All testimonies shall be made in person during the meeting.

All archived staff reports for Major COAs and approval letters for Minor COAs are available online here.