VECA uses a Committee structure to organize, engage, and take action in our community.
Committees represent areas where we, as an organization and as individuals, make things happen in our community. Committees are usually headed up by a board member and are made up of individuals, just like you, that want to help in a particular area of interest. Learn more about some of our committees:
Blight Busters
Blight Busters promotes a well-maintained living environment seeking to identify and address options for taking care of neglected properties that violate city codes and pose a danger to our neighborhood.
Business Districts
The Business Districts committee supports efforts to revitalize and stimulate the vitality of our VECA commercial nodes and keep them attractive for businesses and consumers. The committee is inactive at this time. Please let us know if you have ideas and would like to work with our neighborhood businesses.
The Communications Committee maintains the website, updates social media sites, and tells our story through the VECA Spotlight enews. We welcome your help!
The Greenspaces committee has a straightforward mission of safeguarding the greenspaces in Vollintine Evergreen—Green Triangles and Beckwith Triangle.
We advocate for the clean and safe use of Lick Creek and Cypress Creek, along with Dlugach Park and University Park. Our efforts involve working with local officials and residents to plant and maintain trees.
We also take part in the VECA Neighborhood Tour for Experience Memphis Gardens—a summer event dedicated to garden enthusiasts from the Mid-South and beyond.
Our Historic committee works to preserve, protect, and promote the neighborhood’s history, architectural character, and value. The committee works closely with the Memphis Landmarks Commission to review plans and applications for construction and renovation requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness.
This committee encourages membership in the Vollintine Evergreen Community Association (VECA).
Membership is the face of VECA and helps maintain VECAs social media presence; it creates and provides outreach activities to engage, drive up and retain membership and encourages members to volunteer & invest their time, skills, and network connections to support VECAs mission.
Neighborhood Networks
This committee brings our neighbors together for the common good, working to make Vollintine Evergreen a great place to live for all residents. The committee organizes social events in VECA such as National Night Out, Block Club gatherings, and the Annual VECA Holiday Party.
V&E Greenline
Neighborhood residents, VECA members, and volunteers preserve, maintain, and enhance the natural beauty of the V&E Greenline. One of our greatest amenities, the V&E Greenline is a place to meet neighbors and improve health by walking, exercising pets, biking, jogging, and enjoying the bridges, trees, creeks, birds, animals, and public art pieces along the trail. The V&E Greenline is supported by contributors and volunteerism that use and cherish the trail.
Youth Committee
VECA founded a youth initiative in 2013. VECA coordinates school supply drives for our three local schools (Snowden, Vollentine, & KIPP Memphis Collegiate High). The committee sponsors events like the Halloween outreach, and also works with local and out-of-the-area youth groups on service projects in our neighborhood and on the V&E Greenline.
Learn more.
Jump to our Get Involved page to learn more about how to join a committee and get involved in our community today!