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Land Use Control Board (LUCB)

  • City Hall 125 North Main Street Memphis, TN 38103 United States (map)

The public meeting will be open to the public, and all testimonies shall be made in person during the meeting.

The Land Use Control Board (LUCB) has the responsibility of overseeing and guiding the orderly growth of the City of Memphis and Shelby County through zoning regulations.

All area and neighborhood plans, zoning map changes, zoning text changes, planned developments, special use permits and street closures are processed through the Land Use Control Board before being forwarded to the Memphis City Council (for areas within the City of Memphis) or the Shelby County Board of Commissioners (for areas in unincorporated Shelby County).

The Board has final approval authority over special exceptions, subdivisions, and major modifications to special use permits and planned developments unless appealed to the legislative bodies.

March 11

Crump Station's Monthly Business Meeting

March 13

Pi(e) Day